Current Initiatives

Buffalo Road Underpass
The HCCET is working with Harborcreek Township to renovate and beautify the Buffalo Road underpass.

Community Activities
The Harborcreek Activity Calendar is planned, dates and details are being finalized.
HCCET Mission
The Harborcreek Community Engagement Team advocates for the betterment of Harborcreek Township residents and businesses by championing activities that position Harborcreek as an outstanding community to live, work, and play.

HCCET Officers

Michelle Traphagen
Vice President

Denise Pekelnicky

Renee Uht
Stay in Touch
Connect with us on social media
Find us at the office
5601 Buffalo Road, Harborcreek PA 16421
Reach us by email
Reach us by phone
(814) 580-6837